+677 21576 Check Mail
COVID-19 Information
American Samoa

Charge SBD$6.50 SI time less 22 hours
00 + 1 + 671 + Local Number (No Area Codes)


Charge SBD$6.50 East, SI time less 1 hours
SA & NT, SI time less 1.5 hours
West, SI time less 3 hours
00 + 61 + Area Code + Local Number

Cook Islands

Charge SBD$6.50 SI time less 21 hours
00 + 682 + Local Number (No Area Codes)

Easter Island

Charge SBD$6.50 SI time less 21 hours
00 + 253 + Area Code + Local Number

Federation States of Micronesia

Charge SBD$6.50 SI time less 1 hour
00 + 691 + Area Code + Local Number
Kosrea - 370
Ponape - 320
Truk - 330
Yap - 350


Charge SBD$6.50 SI time less 1 hour
00 + 679 + Local Number (No Area Codes)

French Polynesia

Charge SBD$6.50 SI time less 21 hours
00 + 689 + Local Number (No Area Codes)


Charge SBD$6.50 SI time less 1 hour
00 + 1671 + Local Number (No Area Codes)


Charge SBD$6.50 SI time less 21 hours
00 + 1 + 808 + Local Number


Charge SBD$6.50 SI time less 1 hour
00 + 686 + Local Number (No Area Codes)

Marshall Islands

Charge SBD$6.50 SI time less 1 hour
00 + 692 + Area Code + Local Number
Majuro - 625


Charge SBD$6.50 SI time plus 1 hour
00 + 674 + Local Number (No Area Codes)

New Caledonia

Charge SBD$6.50 SI same time
00 + 687 + 9 + Local Number (No Area Codes)

Norfolk Island

Charge SBD$6.50 SI time plus 0.5 hour
00 + 672 + 9 + Local Number

New Zealand

Charge SBD$6.50 SI time plus 1 hour
00 + 64 + Area Code + Local Number


Charge SBD$6.50 SI time plus 0.5 hour
00 + 683 + Local Number (No Area Codes)


Charge SBD$6.50 SI time less 2 hours
00 + 680 + Local Number

Papua New Guinea

Charge SBD$6.50 SI time less 1 hour
00 + 675 + Local Number (No Area Codes)

Republic of China

Charge SBD$6.50 SI time less 3 hours
00 + 86 + Area Code + Local Number

Samoa (Western)

Charge SBD$6.50 SI time less 22 hours
00 + 685 + Local Number (No Area Codes)


Charge SBD$6.50 SI time less 3 hours
00 + 886 + Area Code + Local Number


Charge SBD$6.50 SI time less 22 hours
00 + 690 + Area Code + Local Number


Charge SBD$6.50 SI time less 2 hours
00 + 676 + Local Number (No Area Codes)


Charge SBD$6.50 SI time plus 1 hour
00 + 688 + Local Number (No Area Codes)


Charge SBD$6.50 SI same time
00 + 678 + Local Number (No Area Codes)

Wallis and Fatuna

Charge SBD$6.50 SI time less 22 hours
00 + 690 + Local Number (No Area Codes)