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Staffs of Our Telekom are bound by oath to carry out their duties in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

Our Code of Ethics has been established and will serve as a guide to proper business conduct for all employees. We expect all employees to observe the highest standards of ethics and integrity in their conduct. This means following a basic code of ethical behaviour which is stipulated herein.

Our Telekom's Vison (Objective)

The objective of the company is to provide, develop and maintain the national and international telecommunication services of Solomon Islands.

Our Telekom’s Mission Statement
  • To be recognized as a provider of quality telecommunications consistent with the social and economic needs of our government and our customers in the rural and urban areas of Solomon Islands.
  • To operate a profitable and cost effective business with a pricing policy this maintains the balance of interest between customers, employees, shareholders and provinces.
  • To be recognized as a socially responsible employer with employment practices which attract, motivate and reward employees and provide them with development opportunities which realize their full potential.
  • To enhance Telekom's reputation through a policy of caring for the environment and social, economic and cultural development of Solomon Islands.

Our Core Values & Behaviors

We strive for excellence and perfection by providing quality telecommunication services at affordable prices.

Team Work

We work in harmony with all stakeholders including employees, customers, investors and our various business partners. We believe that people are more productive when they work as a team and share their knowledge, skills and experiences, in a spirit of harmony.


We don’t just say “honesty is the best policy”. We “live by this philosophy” We promote integrity by encouraging our employees to always do what is morally and ethically right.


We promote integrity by encouraging our employees to always do what is morally and ethically right.


We are committed to giving value for the dollar and ensuring that our products and services are at the forefront of technological advancements. It is the commitment which creates the environment wherein quality of service is achieved.


Our employees are sincere in their desire to provide customers with a quality service, each time and every time.